
3D-Audio Ambience Recording Techniques, 2016

Artikel von Felix Andriessens

Ambience recordings are a crucial tool for designing acoustical environments and scenographies and thereby transporting emotions, for example in applications as film sound, game sound, VR applications, theatre and radio plays, to name a few.

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ORTF-3D on VR glasses - Download the app

ORTF-3D is an ideal microphone setup for VR and 360 video, as it is capable of recording a spacious ambience. It can be rendered quite easily with the help of the suitable tools.

That's how we did it:

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First Order Ambisonics: The "Uncanny Valley" of 3D-Audio

It is a phenomenon, that all of a sudden recording techniques are popular again that seamed to be dead (for good reasons). With the rise of 3D-Audio, 1st order Ambisonics recording techniques are in the game again and everything we learned about them in the last 40 years seems to be forgotten...

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"ORTF-3D": eine Mikrofontechnik für Atmoaufnahmen in 3D-Audio und VR

Entwicklung und Anwendung einer stereofonen Mehrkanal-Mikrofontechnik für 3D-Audio und VR

Helmut Wittek, 2016

Bild oben: Blick auf den geöffneten ORTF-3D Windkorb.

Artikel als pdf (English)

Toningenieure, die in 3D arbeiten, sehen sich bei der Wahl der passenden Aufnahmetechnik einer schwierigen Aufgabenstellung gegenüber.  

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